
A man weighing 80Kg is standing on a trolley weighing 320Kg. The trolley is resting on a frictionless surface. If the man starts walking on the trolley along its length at speed 1 m/s, then his relative displacement with respect to ground after 4s is_______

A man weighing 80Kg is standing on a trolley weighing 320Kg. The trolley is resting on a frictionless surface. If the man starts walking on the trolley along its length at speed 1 m/s, then his relative displacement with respect to ground after 4s is_______ 


3 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear sindhu



let initial c.o.m of trolley and man  from y axis is a and b repectivily

Xc.m=(320*a +80*b)/400

at final position after 4 sec =Xc.m ={320*(a-x1) +80*(b+4-x1)}/400

so equate

{320*(a-x1) +80*(b+4-x1)}/400  =(320*a +80*b)/400

-400x1 +320 =0



so 4-x1=4-4/5 =16/5

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Ramandeep Kaur
13 Points
6 years ago
In order to conserve the momentum, the trolley starts to move backwards. The backward momentum will be shared by both trolley and man
Resultant speed of man wrt ground=0.80m/s
Displacement =0.8*4=3.2m
19 Points
5 years ago
According to conservation og linear momentum,
V = 80÷400
V = 0.2m/s
Trolley travels 4×0.2 = 0.8 metres.
Man travels 4 ×1 =4 metres in opposite direction of trolley. Net displacement of men = 4 - 0.8 = 3.2 meters. 

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