Flag Mechanics> conservation of linear momentum...
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A wedge shaped block 'A' of mass 'M' is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface.A small block 'B' of mass 'm' placed at the top edge of inclined plane of length'L' as shown in the figure.By the time, the block 'B' reaches the bottom end the wedge 'A' will move a distance of

ramya bhaskar , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear ramya

Since there is no external force in horizontal direction in wedge + mass system

so center of mass of wedge + mass syaytem will not move



let x1 is the COM of wedge from origin

 and x is the distance moved by wedge

(Mx1 +mLcosΘ)/(m+M)   =  {M(x1+x) + mx}/(m+M)

x=mLcos Θ/(m+M)

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ankit singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago


Since there is no external force in horizontal direction in wedge + mass system

so center of mass of wedge + mass syaytem will not move



let x1 is the COM of wedge from origin

 and x is the distance moved by wedge

(Mx1 +mLcosΘ)/(m+M)   =  {M(x1+x) + mx}/(m+M)

x=mLcos Θ/(m+M)


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