Flag Mechanics> find new center of mass...
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A square of side 4 units is divided into four equal squares. the square portion ABCH is removed and placed over HCDE. What is the new centre of mass of the system. The orginal body thickness and density is uniform

M. Sai Suchandan Reddy , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear M.Sai




mass is not moved along the x axix so for new center of mass x co ordinate will remain same as earlier

and for y co ordinate of new center of mass

let mass of each part is m ,center of mass of each part of square  lies at their center

length of each side of small square is 2 unit


Y= [ m*1 +m*(-1) +m*(-1) +m*(-1)]/(m+m+m+m)


so new center of mass (0,-1/2)


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