Askiitians Expert Bharath-IITD
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear Madhu Sudhan Reddy,
In case of the case when the glass plate is immersed in the water due to the fact that adhessive forces between water and glass molecules is greater than that of among water molecules themselves, the water level just at the glass surface is shown in the figure 1.
So the direction of the force due to surface tension is shown with arrows inthat figure (at an angle tangential to the curvature of water surface).
Now in the case of the liuid half immersed in water then it must be true that the adhessive forces between the water molecules is greater than that of between the liquid and water (other wise the liquid would have been mixed homogenously in water due to adhessive forces between water and liquid being more). So the surface of water at the liquid drop boundary bends as shown inthe figure2.In this case also the force due to surface tension is shown in the figure 2.

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