Zacky D
Last Activity: 12 Years ago
Hmm..Bro,You see,If your basics about 2d motion are strong,you dont have to worry about problems as far as IIT exam is considered..ITs only for state level entrance exams,and to a level,even aieee,where one would require more of speed.But then again if your concepts are clear,back substitions and option cancelling etc would come naturally to you..
Ok,Back to the question,I would adice you to derive all important formulae youself neatly just once and then think about manipulating them to suit your needs..Now,usually inclined plane questions in basic level ,most of the time is to just calculate range from the incline,or point of contact on the incline...For this just subtract the side lenght of the triangle from the obtained range...please reply if you have any specific doubts,since your question was kinda general,and im not sure what youre actually after? :)