
two swimmwrs leave point A on one bank of the river to reach poit B on the other bank.onne of them crossers the river along the the straight line AB while the other swims at right angles to the river and then walks the distance that he has been carried away by the stream to get to point B.find the velocity with which the man should walk if both swimmers reach their destination simultaneously.the stream velocity is 2km/hr and velocity of each swimmer wrt water is 2.5km/hr

two swimmwrs leave point A on one bank of the river to reach poit B on the other bank.onne of them crossers the river along the the straight line AB while the other swims at right angles to the river and then walks the distance that he has been carried away by the stream to get to point B.find the velocity with which the man should walk if both swimmers reach their destination simultaneously.the stream velocity is 2km/hr and velocity of each swimmer wrt water is 2.5km/hr


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