jishal rahim
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
according to work enrgy theorem ΔK.E is associated with the increase in potential energy which lead to the compression in the spring
according to law of conservation of momentum (m+3m)vfinal=-2mv+mv
thus vfinal=v/3
now since it is elastic collision energy conservation too comes under consern
thus change in kinetic energy is the max potential energy stored in the spring.
ΔK.E= 1/2(kx2) i.e final K.e-initial K.E =1/2(3mv2)-1/2(3mvfinal2) ...................>( vfinal = v/3)
so 3mv2/2(1-1/9) = 1/2(kx2)
thus solving for x you ill finally reach the answer x= √2m/√3k
this is the correct answer. ive got it just recently . and i wanted to share it with you