TORQUE : Torque is simply said to be angular force or force which can be expressed to used in rotation. the simple and perfect definition is that: the product of force(linear force) and perpendicular distance is called Torque. It is generally used in rotational motion and force by this is called tortional force.
if u like it plz approve it!!!
Ashwin Muralidharan IIT Madras
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
Hi Chinmay,
As onw knows, Force is the rate of change of Linear Momentum.
Whereas, Torgue is the rate of change of Angular Momentum.
(ie), if on a body, there is a torque, then its Angular Momentum should change and Vice Versa.
All the best.
Ashwin (IIT Madras).
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
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