askIITianexpert IITDelhi
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Obviously change in potential energy of body =work done by gravity on the system (wedge & body combined)= mgh.{as change in pot. energy of wedge is zero;it's still on the ground !!! }
For time calculation net force(& so net acceleration) on body down the incline is calculated first by changing the non-inertial(accelerated) frame into inertial one by introducing pseudo force ma to the opposite of direction of acceleration of wedge taking body as a system with wedge as its frame in the FBD diagram.
As the direction of hor. accn is not fully clear here,i'm giving answer for both possible case.
Consider wedge having its inclined plane being left as you draw it on screen here.(hypotenus on left & height on right)
CASE 1: accn a applied to right in hor. will be to left in hor. direction.
Taking x-axis along the plane & y-axis perpendicular to it .
mgsinθ+macosθ=manet (force eqnin the x-direction)
or, t=[(2h/sinθ)/(gsinθ+acosθ)]1/2 using S=ut+1/2at2 where S=h/sinθ ,a=anet , u=0(starts from rest) with condition being gcosθ>asinθ
as in the y-direction force eqn will give mgcosθ=masinθ+N
normal force=0 means body is no longer in contact of wedge,that's why the above condition .
CASE 2: accn a applied to left in hor. will be to right in hor. direction.
mgsinθ-macosθ=manet (force eqnin the x-direction)
or, t=[(2h/sinθ)/(gsinθ-acosθ)]1/2 using S=ut+1/2at2 where S=h/sinθ ,a=anet , u=0(starts from rest) with no condition.
as in the y-direction force eqn will give mgcosθ+masinθ=N
normal force can never be zero unless a is (-ve) here which imply the first case.