a monkey is at rest on a weightless rope whichgoes over a pulley and is tied to a bunch of bananas at the other end. the weight of monkey and bananas is exactly equal. the pylley is frictionless. the monkey starts to climb up to reach the bananas. As he climbs, the distance between him and bananas will--( A FIGURE IS SHOWN BELOW) pls elaborate!!!a) increaseb) decreasec) remain same
Shivam Bhagat , 13 Years ago
Grade 9
3 Answers
dvm srikant
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
the distance remains same because since the monkey climbs to reach the bananas the monkey goes up and the bananas comes down due to 'mg' of bananas acts downwards and 'mg' monkey acts upwards
iit jee
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
hi, the distance between them remains the same.becoz as the monkey accelerates upwards (they are of same mass)thus the bunch of bananas also acccelerates with same magnitude (downward).
plzzz approve!!!!!!!!
kedar joshi.
Anirudh vats
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
The seperation between monkey and pulley will remain constant because if monkey starts climbing up then T>mg in both the cases of monkey as well as banana because they are of same mass,therefore banana will also goes up and the distance between them will not change. I ASSURED YOU THAT ABOVE TWO ANSWERS ARE WRONG.
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