
If a bear is falling at the speed of 10 m/s. So what is the color of the bear? Give reasons.

If a bear is falling at the speed of 10 m/s. So what is the color of the bear? Give reasons.


2 Answers

vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
13 years ago

 if accleration due to gravity is given then we can determine the colour of bear...

we have  ,  g1 = g - w2Rcos@

   at pole @ = 90o

      g1 = g = 10m/s2 

that means at pole g=10m/s2 , at this place bear are white...

11 Points
7 years ago
It’s most certainly BROWN because a polar bear would (almost) never find a cliff tall enough to fall from to excede a speed of 10 m / s.

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