A RESEARCH SATELLITE OF MASS 200 KG CIRCLES IN AN ORBIT of averge radius of 3R/2 WHERE R is the radius of the earth. Aasuuming that the gravitational pull on the mass of 1 kg on the earth's surface is 10N, the pull on the satelite is --------------
rajan jha , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
2 Answers
vikas askiitian expert
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
accleration due to gravity at surface(gs)= GM/R2
accleration due to gravity at a height (gh) = GM/(R+H)2
force on a particle of 1kg at surface = mGM/R2 =GM/R2 = 10N ......1 (given)
force on satellite of mass 200kg at a height H = mGM/(R+H)2