Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
Orbital Velocity is the velocity which is give to an artificial earth's satellite a few hundred kilometers above the earth's surface so that it may start revolving round the earth. It is denoted by Vo.
Expression for orbital velocity
Let, m = Mass of satellite
r = radius of circular orbit of satellite
h = height of satellite above surface of earth.
R = radius of earth
Vo = orbital velocity
M = Mass of the earth.

required by the satellite to keep moving in a circular orbit is produced by the gravitational force

between the satellite and the earth. Therefore,

Here r=R+h
Let gh be the acceleration due to gravity at heigh h
Therefore, weight of satellite = Mgh
Force of attraction between body (Satellite) and earth must be balance by weight of satellite.

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Sagar Singh
B.Tech, IIT Delhi