
A cubical box of side 'a' sitting on a table top is pushed horizontally with a gradually increasing force until the box moves. If the force is applied at a height from the table top which is greater than the critical height H, the box topples first. If it applied at a height lesser than the critical height then the box starts sliding first. Then the coefficient of friction between the box and table top is a ) 2/H b) 2H/a c) a/H d) H/a

A cubical box of side  'a' sitting on a  table top is pushed horizontally with a gradually increasing force until the box moves. If the force is applied at a height from the table top which is greater than the critical height H, the box topples first. If it applied at a height lesser than the critical height then the box starts sliding first. Then the coefficient of friction between the box and table top is

a) 2/H     b) 2H/a       c) a/H       d) H/a


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

The correct option is d) H/a

Apply force balance


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