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If the potential at the surface of a planet is taken as zero, then what will be potential at infinity? Please explain the method and approach.

Arjit Raj , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

let actual potential at surface be V...that means at infinity potential is zero coz potential is inversly proportional to distance....

now according to question potential at surface is taken zero so think how to make potential zero at surface....

simply add -V  to its value at surface this will give 0 potential at surface.....in same manner add this value to any point point where u want to find potential....

therefore potential at infinity is 0+ -V= -V

for example ,if there is a planet of mass M and it is assumed that potential at surface is 0 then potential at infinity will be

V infinity = -V at surface

             =GM/R    ans


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