
The increase in the speed of the car is proportional to the additional petrol put into the engine. Is it possible to accelerate a car without putting more petrol or less petrol into the engine?

The increase in the speed of the car is proportional to the additional petrol put into the engine. Is it possible to accelerate a car without putting more petrol or less petrol into the engine?


1 Answers

Askiitians_Expert Yagyadutt
askIITians Faculty 74 Points
14 years ago

Hello nikhil !

This question is a bit illogical type...any how


Since velocity of car is proportional to amount of petrol in it increasing amount of petrol is going to affect the velocity of car...obviously...if more petrol is put into the engine..velocity will increase..which indirectly mean that care is accelerated and vice-versa


I hope this much is sufficient....but plz avoid to solve such type of problem..if it is given in any concern and touch with the question which are suitably asked in exam





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