
how to understand the concept of applying the concept of conservation of energy when xternal forces r zero.......also ow can we determine wch force is doing work and wch is not???///

how to understand the concept of applying the concept of conservation of energy when xternal forces r zero.......also ow can we determine wch force is doing work and wch is not???///


1 Answers

878 Points
14 years ago

Dear ocean,

Consider a generic interaction between 2 objects, as shown to the right. A mass m1 moving with a speed v1 interacts with a mass m2 moving with a speed v2.

Leibniz was a contemporary of Newton. He noticed that for many types of interactions the sum of the quantity mv2 was the same value before and after the interaction:

He called this quantity the vis viva, or "living force," and for him its conservation was central to his thinking about interactions.


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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

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