Rinkoo Gupta
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
JEE Advanced 2013 Cutoff Marksare the minimum scores required for admissions at the IITs and the specified institutes where admissions will be through the JEE Advanced 2013. Students may understand that theJEE Advanced 2013 Cutoff Marksare predetermined by the IITs and the specified centrally funded institutes as the lowest score that can be considered for admissions. The JEE Advanced 2013 Cutoff Marks are determined on the basis of various factors one of them being the number of students who have applied. Students can avail theJEE Advanced 2013 Cutoff Markson this page to determine their chances at admissions.
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JEE Advanced 2013 Cutoff for CBSE and Maharshtra Board:
- The Cut-off for JEE Advanced for the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has been announced as 64.3%, as compared to 61.7% for 2012.
- The Cut-off for JEE Advanced declared by CBSE is 78.2%
Note: Students must keep in mind that they will be eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced if they have scored the same or above the Cutoff declared by the respective boards
In addition, they must have figured in the top 20 percentile of their respective school boards.
IIT JEE 2012 Marks Vs Rank Result :
Marks | Ranks | Marks | Ranks |
385 - 366 | 1 -10 | 211 - 208 | 3501 - 3800 |
365 - 325 | 11 - 100 | 208 - 206 | 3801 - 4100 |
324 - 308 | 101 - 200 | 206 - 202 | 4101 - 4500 |
307 - 298 | 201 - 300 | 202 - 198 | 4501 - 4900 |
297 - 286 | 301 - 400 | 198 - 195 | 4901 - 5300 |
286 - 280 | 401 - 500 | 195 - 192 | 5301 - 5700 |
280 - 275 | 501 - 600 | 192 - 189 | 5701 - 6100 |
275 - 270 | 601 - 700 | 189 - 187 | 6101 - 6500 |
270 - 266 | 701 - 800 | 187 - 184 | 6501 - 7000 |
266 - 263 | 801 - 900 | 184 - 180 | 7001 - 7500 |
262 - 259 | 901 - 1000 | 180 - 176 | 7501 - 8000 |
259 - 253 | 1001 - 1200 | 176 - 172 | 8001 - 9000 |
253 - 248 | 1201 - 1400 | 172 - 168 | 9001 - 10000 |
248 - 243 | 1401 - 1600 | 168 - 164 | 10001 - 11000 |
242 - 238 | 1601 - 1800 | 164 - 159 | 11001 - 12000 |
238 - 234 | 1801 - 2000 | 159 - 156 | 12001 - 13000 |
234 - 228 | 2001 - 2300 | 156 - 152 | 13001 - 14000 |
228 - 224 | 2301 - 2600 | 151 - 149 | 14001 - 15000 |
224 - 219 | 2601 - 2900 | 149 - 146 | 15001 - 16000 |
219 - 216 | 2901 - 3200 | 146 - 143 | 16001 - 17000 |
215 - 211 | 3201 - 3500 | 143 - 138 | 17001 - onwards. |
Minimum Qualifying Mark for Ranking (MQMR) and Aggregate Cut-off : JEE-2012
| MQMR | Aggregate cut-off
Chemistry | Physics | Mathematics |
GE | 20 | 20 | 34 | 229 |
OBC | 18 | 18 | 31 | 207 |
SC | 10 | 10 | 17 | 119 |
ST | 10 | 10 | 17 | 115 |
PD | 10 | 10 | 17 | 11 |
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta