
I am getting 134 marks in jeeadv 2014 and 185 marks in jeemain 2014. My score of 12 th is 92% CBSE. I belong to OBC category. I am likely to get lower branches of IIT and CSE of NIT Suratkal (home quota). Which branch can I get in IITs ? or should I go for CSE/ECE of NIT Suratkal ?

I am getting 134 marks in jeeadv 2014 and 185 marks in jeemain 2014. My score of 12 th is 92% CBSE. I belong to OBC category. I am likely to get lower branches of IIT and CSE of NIT Suratkal (home quota).  Which branch can I get in IITs ? or should I go for CSE/ECE of NIT Suratkal ?


1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
You should go with cse at NIT, it has better future scope than the lower branches at IIT.

sher mohammad
faculty askiitians, iit delhi

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