
my subjectwise scoring are as follows maths -77 chemistry - 71 physics -20 - 168 i want to know should i qualify in physics & what is creteria of selecting subjectwise cutoff

my subjectwise scoring are as follows         maths -77  chemistry - 71  physics -20     -  168                                             i want to know should i qualify in physics & what is creteria of selecting subjectwise cutoff                                                                                                                       


1 Answers

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
357 Points
15 years ago

Hi Somanshu,

 Subject wise cutoff doesn’t matter much the subject wise cutoff previous year was 5 marks in Mathematics,0 marks in Physics and 3 marks in Chemistry. Individual subject cutoffs is determined on the basis that top 80% candidates qualify in each subject.


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