
I have score 6102 rank air in CML in general category in IIT advance 2013, While looking on the past years report of Branch versus opening-closing ranks of various categories, it shows GE rank,OBC(CL) rank, etc. My question is that whether the GE rank symbolises CML rank or General rank of opening-closing in iit. Please tell me this. Thank You

I have score 6102 rank air in CML in general category in IIT advance 2013, While looking on the past years report of Branch versus opening-closing ranks of various categories, it shows GE rank,OBC(CL) rank, etc. My question is that whether the GE rank symbolises CML rank or General rank of opening-closing in iit. Please tell me this. Thank You


1 Answers

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
9 years ago

The ranks in general category is CML ranks, while in category they are category rank.


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