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When will the IIT JEE Advanced 2013 results be out and where can we see them?

katharinaclark katharinaclark , 11 Years ago
anser 3 Answers
Laura Rodriguez

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

The IIT JEE Advanced 2013 results will be out on 23 June, 2013. Both the All India Ranks (AIR) as well as the Category ranks of the JEE candidates will be put on display on the Zonal IIT websites. In case you are unable to visit these websites, you could log on http://www.askiitians.com/iit-jee/jee-advanced/2013/results/  and see your JEE Advanced 2013 result.

Laura Rodriguez

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

First and foremost, only those candidates who sit for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be allotted a rank by IIT. A candidate''s score in Physics will be the sum total of their scores in the Physics section of Paper 1 as well as that of Paper 2. The same procedure will be followed in the case of the other two subjects viz. Chemistry and Mathematics. A candidate''s aggregate score will be the sum total of their score in each of these three subjects.

Laura Rodriguez

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

First and foremost, only those candidates who sit for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be allotted a rank by IIT. A candidate''s score in Physics will be the sum total of their scores in the Physics section of Paper 1 as well as that of Paper 2. The same procedure will be followed in the case of the other two subjects viz. Chemistry and Mathematics. A candidate''s aggregate score will be the sum total of their score in each of these three subjects.


There will be a separate merit list for each category. General candidates will have to score at least 10% in each subject and 35% overall. This requirement is reduced by half in the case of SC, ST and PD candidates. Those belonging to the OBC category will have to score at least 9% in each of their three subjects and 31.5% in total.  


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