Last Activity: 12 Years ago
dear pratyakash,
although jee 2012 is over but to clear your doubt iam answering it.
for your information the paper of jee is not set by a particular iit.profs from various iits are selected in a confidantion manner who are requested to sumbit their questions and a final managing team decide the questions to be given in the jee paper out of these submitted questions.this managing team can be from any iit or a mixed tem from different iits.
secondly on a random fashion each year an iit is being selected which is responsible for conduction of jee.conduction dont imply setting of question paper it only implies that, that iit is responsible for organising and managing the smooth conduction of exam and have to maintain database of all appeared and selected students,declare final results etc.
for example in jee 2010 iit madras was the organising iit and in jee 2011 iit kanpur was the organising iit.the mathematics part of jee 2010 was on tougher side because a large part of the question came from the questions submitted by iit roorkee profs which is known for its mathematics.
hope this clears your doubt.
for any query comment below.
dont forget to approve the answer :)
with regards
askiitian expert