
My rank in sc category in jee 11 is 1728 . Will i get any course in iit madras? Also,is there an increase in number of seats compared to last year in sc category? Do i stand a chance in any of the older iits?

My rank in sc category in jee 11 is 1728 . Will i get any course in iit madras? Also,is there an increase in number of seats compared to last year in sc category? Do i stand a chance in any of the older iits?


Grade:12th Pass

3 Answers

rachit kumar
40 Points
13 years ago

well there are very less chance that u cna get any old iit even after increment of seats. but still hope for best.

well u can also check opening ang closing rank of iit 2010 by visiiting following link


plz apporve my ans plzzzzzzz

Aman Bansal
592 Points
13 years ago

Dear Student,

You can check last year cutoff from the below link,

but the chances of getting old iits is very low.


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nitin mandrai
21 Points
13 years ago

no dear not a posibility in older ine even you are out of seat limitation in sc category its 1441 you may not get any seat in new iit as well

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