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I am very possessive about my dream of persuing engineering in either IIT Kanpur or IIT Delhi, witheither computer science, mechanical or aerospace engineering as my stream. Thus i would like to know that what marks and rank in iitjee will surely fulfill my dream?

Swastik Banerjee , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Prudhvi teja

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Swastik

To get Mechanical in IIT-Delhi you should get below 600.To get in IIT Kanpur you can get dual degree in aero space till around 1800-2000 rank ,but for B.tech in aero you should get below 1500.

Please go through this link where you can see last year opening and closing ranks


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Prudhvi Teja


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Marks and Rank in IIT JEE
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Marks and Rank in IIT JEE
0 Answer Available

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