AskiitiansExpert Rohan
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
IIT kharagpur is the most senior IIT of all.. Has got a great reputaion in the field.. Founded solely by the Prime Minister Jawaharla Nahru, this institution was and is designed to give world class superior education to all the JEE qualified students who have proved themselves as the best thorough JEE..
Faculties at all the IITs are excellent, lets accept it. Though we ourself as IITians do not cooperate with them or may be they dont with us, but the fact is that these faculties like the students themselves are the best in the business..
The only thing that you would rather fail to accept till you reach and finish your 1st semester is that no matter how good a teacher is, you got to study all by yourself.. Infact when You are at IIT You begin to search for a teacher who actually doesn't know much about the subject and hence gives more marks and better grades..
So relax..
besides, placements for mechanical engineering at all IITs are always great... dont worry on that aspect..
keep writing
best of luck