
Respected Sir, According to Resonance rank predictor (which follows previous year's rank distribution) my rank in sc category is 445.Is there any chance to get Aerospace engineering at any IIT. (YES/NO). Also, can rank allotments be influenced by increase in no. of IITs or increase in difficulty level of paper? very thanks to you Bhavya.

Respected  Sir,

According to Resonance rank predictor (which follows previous year's rank distribution) my rank in sc category is 445.Is there any chance to get Aerospace engineering at any IIT. (YES/NO).

Also, can rank allotments be influenced by increase in no. of IITs or increase in difficulty level of paper?

very thanks to you


Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Rathod Shankar AskiitiansExpert-IITB
69 Points
13 years ago

Dear   Bhavya Senwar,


1) NO. aerospace saets are restricted to 30-60 every year. so the chance is rare. if the above ranks before u doesnt take that than it is YES 

2) no there is no increase in difficluty. the difficluty level is reduced so dont worry about that


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