Flag Marks and Rank in IIT JEE> It's not an academic question but I reall...
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It's not an academic question but I really need some guidance on time managment and to improve concentration and be more focused. Lately I've been observing that even though I've opted for dummy schooling all the time in my passes away and it seems I've wasted the day. Initially I was performing well at my classes but since two tests my performance isdeteriorating and just in a day I have aits exam. I even suffer from laziness and low confidence level, to be frank I believe my brain power and effectiveness in understanding concepts but due to lack in practice I'm lagging behind in proper application.Please guide me to use all of my capabilities.How can boost up my preparation andperformance.Thank you. I'll be waiting for the reply

Shreshtha , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

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I got 82 %ile in jee mains can i get eee, ece in top 10 nits with sc category and home state karnataka
marks and rank in iit jee
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Sir I am state board can crack jee exams.please you can me to crack jee exams
marks and rank in iit jee
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Last Activity: 3 Years ago