Flag Marks and Rank in IIT JEE> Dear Sir / Madam My main question is that...
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Dear Sir / Madam My main question is that which book we shall refer for jee or iit

Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Nicho priyatham

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

their many books in market each person askes you to follow a book bt u have 2 follow the books u r comfertable with here i suggest u some books
  • JEE(main)
  • maths:follow either cengage or arihant series
  • physics:this is the subject that is frigtening students every year in final exam.so first complet all questions of ncert then start solving cengage or arihant their are many if u feel that their are problems in cengage then solve dc panday but complet one of them when it comes to extra sylbus like semiconductors follow ncert only. Cengage got very good example problems dont neglect them
  • chemistry:for mains dont refer any thing more than ncert
  • irrespective of subject solve all pervious advanced and mains questions both online and  offline papers
  • JEE(advanced)
  • maths:if u feel u r strong in maths n want a very good score even if the paper is tough then follow arihant.  otherwice follow cengage
  • physics:whether u belive it or not it is true dat from past 2 years mains paper of physics is being much more tougher than advanced paper. physics is always scoring in advanced so dont neglect . It needs same prepration as mains. just solve cengage properly . HC verma is a very good book but not sufficent it is out dated. u need not refer irodov if u once solve cengage
  • chemistry:physical :cengage(theory) problems avasthi
  • organic:theory jagadhamba singh problems himanshu panday or ms chohuan
  • inorganic:sudarshan guha (JD LEE)
  • solve all previous jee questions

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I got 82 %ile in jee mains can i get eee, ece in top 10 nits with sc category and home state karnataka
marks and rank in iit jee
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Sir I am state board can crack jee exams.please you can me to crack jee exams
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