
why magnetic feild is created around a conductor when current is passed through it?

why magnetic feild is created around  a conductor when current is passed through it? 


3 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
10 years ago
When a charged particle—such as an electron, proton or ion—is in motion, magnetic lines of force rotate around the particle. Since electrical current moving through a wire consists of electrons in motion, there is a magnetic field around the wire.
This field can be demonstrated by placing fine iron filings or shavings on a car and sticking a wire through the middle of the card. When a DC electrical current is passed through the wire, the iron filings align to show the magnetic field.
Iron filings show magnetic field around electric wire245-2151_magnetic_field_moving_charges__filings.gif
23 Points
10 years ago
magnetism is produced when unpaired electrons in a matter move in 1 direction (paramagnets) due to effect of current electrons also move in one direction thats why it happens
23 Points
10 years ago
magnetism is produced when unpaired electrons in a matter move in 1 direction (paramagnets) due to effect of current electrons also move in one direction thats why it happens

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