
What is Van’t Hoff factor? Plz explain it in simple words with its theory, principle n working!

What is Van’t Hoff factor? Plz explain it in simple words with its theory, principle n working!


1 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
The van't Hoff factor, symbol i, expresses how may ions and particles are formed (on an average) in a solution from one formula unit of solute. Examples: One formula unit of NaCl will create two particles in solution, a Na+ ion and a Cl- ion.

The van't Hoff factor, symbol i, expresses how may ions and particles are formed (on an average) in a solution from one formula unit of solute.


One formula unit of NaCl will create two particles in solution, a Na+ ion and a Cl- ion.
One formula unit of CaCl2 will create three particles in solution, a Ca+ ion and two Cl- ions.
One formula unit (molecule) of methanol CH3OH will create only one particle in solution, since methanol is a non electrolyte and does not dissolve as ions.
One formula unit (molecule) of HF will form one particle in solution, since it is a weak electrolyte (weak acid).footnote2
One formula unit (molecule) of NH3 will form one particle in solution, since it is a weak electrolyte (weak base

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