
Two bar magnet are placed close to each other with their opposite poles facing each other. In the absence of other forces the magnets are pulled towards each other and their kinetic energy increases. Does it contradict our earlier knowledge that magnetic force cannot do any work and hence cannot increase kinetic energy

Two bar magnet are placed close to each other with their opposite poles facing each other. In the absence of other forces the magnets are pulled towards each other and their kinetic energy increases. Does it contradict our earlier knowledge that magnetic force cannot do any work and hence cannot increase kinetic energy

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

29 Points
7 years ago
No, magnetic force has alot of applications in our daily and most of them are related to increase in kinetic energy like the motor of our fans work on the principles of magnetic laws which generates energy and hence the fan moves hence we can't say that magnetism has no role to play with kinetic energy.

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