Flag Magnetism> To measure d current in any circuit we ha...
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To measure d current in any circuit we hav to connect d galvanometer in series wit tht circuit now bcoz of resistance of galvanometer it gives d wrong value of current i.e low than actual value so we connect a shunt in parallel so d resistance of galvanometer is reducedAlso a small current gives a full scale deflectionnow my question isAgar apane 10 amp current bheja to a circuit without shunt then assume that it gives d reading 8 ampPar jab apan shunt circuit me lagayge to galvanometer ka resistance kam hoga par shunt me se bhi to current pass hoga aur reading wrong ayegi naOne more thing if we connect a shunt in parallel then more current will pass thro galvanometer then it will give full scale deflectionthen what is d use of shunt?????And Guys what are d types of resistance???

Aditi Chauhan , 11 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Since galvanometer is a very sensitive instrument so that it can not measure heavy or high voltages to make it to do so we have to add some high resistance in series with it , then it is called A voltmeter.
A high resistance is used in series because it makes total net resistance more high hence it draws no current from circuit and all of the current goes through the element across which voltage is to be measured hence more accurate value is obtained.

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