The effective length of a magnet is 31.4 cm and its pole strength is 0.5Am. The magnetic moment, when it is bent in the form of a semicircle will be?
Sridev Venkataraman , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
2 Answers
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
Dear student
Effective length = 2R = 2L/pi
Magnetic moment = 2 * 0.314 * 0.5 /3.14 = 0.1 Am2
Hope it helps
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
Magnetic moment = M = pole strength × effective length = 0.5 × 31.4 × 10–2 = 15.7 × 10–2 Am2 when bent in semicircle, new magnetic moment = M' = (2M/π) ∴ M' = [(2 × 15.7 × 10–2)/(3.14)] = 0.1 Am2
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