
tells about the difference of solinoids and toroid and also tell thier uses?

tells about the difference of solinoids and toroid and also tell thier uses?


6 Answers

Gaddam Chethan
317 Points
8 years ago
Hello Hemanth,
                         Solinoids:- Solinoids is defined as a coil of wire usually in cylindrical form that when carrying a current acts like a magnet so that a movable core is drawn into the coil when a current flows and that is used especially as a switch or control for a mechanical device.
I dont know about Toroid. Thankyou
1700 Points
8 years ago
Salvanth, Solenoid: A solenoid is coil wound into a tightly packed helix.The term was invented by french Physicst Andre-Marie Ampere to designate a helical coil. Toroid: A toroid is a coil of insulated or enamulated wire wound on a donut-shaped from made of powered iron.In toroid wire has many turns.
153 Points
8 years ago
Hello Hemanth,
                         Solinoids:- Solinoids is defined as a coil of wire usually in cylindrical form that when carrying a current acts like a magnet so that a movable core is drawn into the coil when a current flows and that is used especially as a switch or control for a mechanical device.
I dont know about Toroid. Thankyou
Prabhakar ch
577 Points
8 years ago
A solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to generate a controlled magnetic field. If the purpose of the solenoid is instead to impede changes in the electric current, a solenoid can be more specifically classified as an inductor rather than an electromagnet.
A toroid is a coil of insulated or enameled wire wound on a donut-shaped form made of powdered iron. A toroid is used as an inductor in electronic circuits, especially at low frequencies where comparatively large inductances are necessary.
159 Points
8 years ago
solenoid is a conducting wire wound in a tight helical coil of many turns.a solenoid is in the form of circle that means two ends are connecting is called toroid.
85 Points
8 years ago
a coil of wire usually in cylindrical form that when carrying a current acts like a magnet so that a movable core is drawn into the coil when a current flows and that is used especially as a switch or control for a mechanical device.Solinoids:- Solinoids is defined as

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