
​​Q. A planar coil having12 turns carries 15A current. The coil is oriented with respect to the uniform magetic field B =0.2 i ^ T. such that its directed area is A = -0.04 i ^ m 2 . The potential energy of the coil in the given orientation is what ?

​​Q.   A planar coil having12 turns carries 15A current. The coil is oriented with respect to the uniform magetic field  B =0.2 i^ T. such that its directed area is A = -0.04 i^ m2.    The potential energy of the coil in the given orientation is what ? 

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

84 Points
7 years ago
as you know a coil in a magnetic field only experiences torque, and
\overrightarrow{T} = \overrightarrow{M} X \overrightarrow{B}   where T is torque , M is magnetic dipole moment and B is magnectic field
we know that
\overrightarrow{M} = NI\overrightarrow{A}  where N is the no of turns i is the current and A is the areal vector
\overrightarrow{M}=12x15x(-0.04 \widehat{i})
also \overrightarrow{B}=0.2\widehat{i}
now consider ,
\overrightarrow{T} = \overrightarrow{M} X \overrightarrow{B}    => T=MBsin \Theta
we know that workdone by torque,
W.D = \int T*d\Theta
W.D = \int MB sin\Theta * d\Theta
W.D=− MB cos\Theta
W.D= −\overrightarrow{M}.\overrightarrow{B}
substituting the value of M and B
W.D = P.E = +12x15x0.2x0.004 = 0.144 J
hope this was usefull XD

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