if there r two wires placed in aisolatednext to each other and and current is flowing in the same direction then the two wires come close to each other due to the force it exert on each other so basically what is current it is flow of electrons so considering a small length dx in that two electrons r coming close to each other and therefor electostatic potential energy is increasing and since the wires start moving close to each other therfore kinetic enegry alsoincreases and also as twowires come close the magnetic flux starts intersecting and therefore magnetic potential energy increases also ascurrent passes heat enegy is liberated therefore net energy ofsystem inc.how is that possible??????????
Aditi Chauhan , 10 Years ago
Grade 10
1 Answers
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
u forgot that potential energy has a negative sign. so its actually decreasing not increasing
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