Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Compact CassetteorMusicassette(MC), also commonly called thecassette tape,audio cassette, or simplytapeorcassette, is ananalogmagnetic taperecording format foraudio recording and playback. It was developed byPhilipsinHasselt,Belgium, and introduced in September 1963.[2]Compact Cassettes come in two forms, either already containing content as a prerecorded cassette (Musicassette), or as a fully recordable "blank" cassette. Both forms are reversible by the user.[3]
The compact cassette technology was originally designed fordictation machines, but improvements infidelityled the Compact Cassette to supplant thestereo 8-trackcartridge andreel-to-reeltape recording in most non-professional applications.[4]Its uses ranged from portable audio tohome recordingto data storage for earlymicrocomputers. The first cassette player (although mono) designed for use in car dashboards was introduced in 1968. Between the early1970sand continuing through the1990s, the cassette was one of the two most common formats for prerecorded music, first alongside theLP recordand later thecompact disc(CD).[5]
Compact Cassettes contain two miniature spools, between which the magnetically coated,polyester-type plastic film (magnetic tape) is passed and wound.[6]These spools and their attendant parts are held inside a protective plastic shell which is 4 by 2.5 by 0.5 inches (10cm ×6.3cm ×1.3cm) at its largest dimensions. The tape itself is commonly referred to as "eighth-inch" tape, supposedly1⁄8inch (3.17mm) wide, but it is slightly larger: 0.15 inches (3.81mm).[7]Twostereopairs of tracks (four total) or twomonauralaudio tracks are available on the tape; one stereo pair or one monophonic track is played or recorded when the tape is moving in one direction and the second (pair) when moving in the other direction. This reversal is achieved either by flipping the cassette, or by the reversal of tape movement ("auto-reverse") when the mechanism detects that the tape has come to an end.[8]