Flag Magnetism> hello....i was wondering ....consider a p...
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hello....i was wondering ....consider a perfect circular wire..carrying a current...it produces a magnetic field..........now no current flows through it...bring a magnet near in along the axis ( or somehow, it doesn't matter ) ie, increase the flux in the loop by a constant rate...by EMI a current is induced....now take a circular wire with a current ..it is similar to the wire having an induced current due to changing flux.....but in this case flux inside the loop doesn't change ie. time varying magnetic field wasn't produced......only a constant ( doesn't vary with time ) magnetic field is now produced .why ? why is EMI not reversible....where am i going wrong....plz answer.....................love satish

Shane Macguire , 11 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hllo Satish, no need to worry about the problem, its just question.
Induced current produces only due to varying the Magnetic flus, i.e. a function of Magnetic field, area of closed ,loop and orientation.
According to Maxwell’s electromagnetic equation, Time varying electromagntic flux is a function of induced current.

Good Luck !!!!

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