
hcv page no. 251 qsn no. 31. in d qsn along wid d figure point P n its direction is given. wht is d importance of this point,,,i mean why is dis point given separately ? whn i tried d qsn only wid d help of figure, i got a wrong ans. cn sumone plz tell me simply y it is given n hw to solve it(jst tell me d procedure)........

hcv page no. 251 qsn no. 31.

   in d qsn  along wid d figure point P n its direction is given. wht is d importance of this point,,,i mean why is dis point given separately ? whn i tried d qsn only wid d help of figure, i got a wrong ans. cn sumone plz tell me simply y it is given n hw to solve it(jst tell me d procedure)........


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 833 Points
4 years ago
I also feel compelled to mention thatcopywritingand blogging should be conversational and engaging, and breaking formal grammatical and spelling conventions can often be a good thing.

Outside of specific professional or academic contexts,writing with a personal stylethat makes iteasier on the readeris more important than pleasingStrunk and White.

That said, I also believe you have to know the rules in order to break them. Plus, there are some errors that you’ll never convince anyone you did intentionally in the name of style (outside of a joke), and even then some people will still assume you’re dumb.

So, let’s take a look at some of those types of glaring errors you never want to make — common writing mistakes that can diminish the shine and credibility of your message.

1. Loose vs. lose

This one drives a lot of people crazy, including me.

In fact, it’s so prevalent among bloggers that I once feared I was missing something, and somehow “loose” was a proper substitute for “lose” in some other English-speaking countries. Here’s a hint: it’s not.

If your pants are tooloose, you mightloseyour pants.

2. Me, myself, and I

One of the most common causes of grammatical pain is the choice between “me” and “I.”

Too often people use “I” when they should use “me.” Since “I” sounds stilted and proper, it must be right, right? Nope.

The easy way to get this one right is to simply remove the other person from the sentence and then do what sounds correct.

You would never say “Give I a call,” so you also wouldn’t say “Give Chris and I a call.” Don’t be afraid ofme.

And whatever you do, don’t punt and say “myself” because you’re not sure whether “me” or “I” is the correct choice. “Myself” is only proper in two contexts, both of which are demonstrated below.

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