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Is Newton's 3rd law apllicable in magnetism?Plz explain

Anurag Kishore , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Askiitians Expert Soumyajit IIT-Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Anurag Kishore,

Newton's third law is applicable to everywhere if there is no other external source present. In electricity & magnetism also we can use Newton' third law. Let me give one example. When two current carrying wires are kept side by side then they either attract or repel each other. The force with which one repel or attract the other himself experiences that same force on itself. Same concepts can be used in case of Electro magnetic Induction problems also.

N.B:- All the Newton's laws of motions are applicable to the Newtonian reference frame. If we consider relativity then Some correction must be done to all of them.

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All the best Anurag Kishore !!!



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