Flag Magnetism> Explain how magnetic lines of flux are af...
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Explain how magnetic lines of flux are affected by other magnetic fields.

Archana Singh , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Swati Kharodia

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

In each of the following pictures a magnet is put onto a piece of paper. Then a light dusting of iron filings is sprinkled around the magnet. The lines around the magnets in the following pictures are produced by the iron filings gathering together around the field lines.

Box A

This picture demonstrates what occurs when one magnet is placed on paper, and iron filings are sprinkled around it.

                          Box B

Pictured here are two magnets placed on a piece of paper with their like poles facing each other, and iron filings are sprinkled around them.


Box c

Lastly, this picture has two magnets placed on a piece of paper with their opposite poles facing each other, and iron filings are sprinkled around them.

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