
Why do magnetic lines of force, go from south to north internally??? i know the path externally , butcan;tunderstand the internal concept.. please explain i am in x class.. thnx..(raman)

Why do magnetic lines of force, go from south to north internally???

i know the path externally , butcan;tunderstand the internal concept..

please explain 

i am in x class..



1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

consider electric lines of force. They go out of a positive charge and terminate on a negative charge. Now think of two electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite sign. This is an electric DIPOLE. The shape/pattern of electric lines of force is the same as that of the magnetic lines of force, because the magnet is a magnetic DIPOLE. According to Maxwell's electromagnetic equations, magnets are found only in dipoles, MONOPOLES do not exist. 

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