Flag Magnetism> Direction of magnetic field...
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1)Assume a current carrying thin rod placed in air horizontally.The current flow from west to east.Find the direction magnetic field at a point close to the rod ata) Northb)southc) Vertically above the rodd) Verticlly below therod.2)Assume a current carrying thin rod placed in an external magnetic field.The current flow from west to east.Find the direction of force acting on the rod if the magnetic field isa) along north southb) along south northc) downwardd) Upward

Ajit Siddharth , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
AJIT AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Ajit ,

please see that we just have to apply right hand's thumb rule. only rake the direction of I x R

a) upwards to the plane

b)downwards to the plane



2)take the direction of I x B

a)downward to the plane

b)upwards to the plane



In this question it is difficult to provide images for every case . so you have to see it yourself by applying right hand thumb rule.

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