Flag Magical Mathematics[Interesting Approach]> The total no.of signals that can be prepa...
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The total no.of signals that can be prepared from 7 different coloured flags is

gurram meghana , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

From how many colour signal is formed. If it is 2 then ways are 7C2 = 28.Hope it clears. If u have doubts then please clearify. And if u like my answer then please approve answer

Ritika Das

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Since you have 7 different coloured flags, the number of signals that can be prepared is 7X6X5X4X3X2X1, or in short 7! or factorial of 7=5040, since every time all the coloured flags are used up, a colour is omitted for preparing a new pattern everytime.

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