
No. of ways in which the mouse can come out after entering this system???? (The arrows represents the gates) Given – The mouse can’t come & go from one Gate..... Means if the mouse enters from any of the one Gate than he can’t come out from that gate. He have to choose another gate......

No. of ways in which the mouse can come out after entering this system???? (The arrows represents the gates)
Given – The mouse can’t come & go from one Gate..... 
Means if the mouse enters from any of the one Gate than he can’t come out from that gate. He have to choose another gate......

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1 Answers

Sumit Majumdar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 137 Points
10 years ago
Dear student,
According to the question, there are 6 possible gates from where the mouse can enter. So if 1 gate is chosen, then there are 5 possible ways for the mouse to come out. Hence for 6 gates the number of possibilities are 56.

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