
kindly while solving problems in thermodynamics chemistry we require to evaluate the value of 20 to the power 1.4and 5 to the power of 1.4. kindly let me know to solve such numerical power without using logarithms and scientific calculator. this will be of great help while solving numericals in thermodynamics.

kindly while solving problems in thermodynamics chemistry we require to evaluate the value of 20 to the power 1.4and 5 to the power of 1.4.  kindly let me know to solve such numerical power without using logarithms and scientific calculator. this will be of great help while solving numericals in thermodynamics.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear student
you can use log
let y = 20^1.4
log y = 1.4 log 20
y = 10^(1.4 * 1.3010)
similarily use with 5^1.4
also please take approximation as approximation would help us a lot

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