
Assertion and Reason type question Statement1 - If y is a function of x such that y(x-y) 2 = x then ∫ dx/x-3y = 1/2[log(x-y) 2 - 1] Statement2- ∫ dx/x-3y = log(x-3y) + C.

Assertion and Reason type question


Statement1- If y is a function of x such that y(x-y)2 = x then

                   dx/x-3y = 1/2[log(x-y)2 - 1]

Statement2- dx/x-3y = log(x-3y) + C.



1 Answers

Pratham Tamhane
8 Points
14 years ago

Options for answers are like normal options like statement 1 is corect n 2 is false liky that...

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