
When 242 is divided by a certain divisor the remainder obtained is 8. When 698 is divided by the same divisor the remainder obtained is 9. However, when the sum of the two numbers 242 and 698 is divided by the divisor, the remainder obtained is 4. What is the value of the divisor?

When 242 is divided by a certain divisor the remainder obtained is 8. When 698 is divided by the same divisor the remainder obtained is 9. However, when the sum of the two numbers 242 and 698 is divided by the divisor, the remainder obtained is 4. What is the value of the divisor?


1 Answers

ritu goyal
13 Points
15 years ago
Let the divisor be d.

When 242 is divided by the divisor, let the quotient be 'x' and we know that the remainder is 8.
Therefore, 242 = xd + 8

Similarly, let y be the quotient when 698 is divided by d.
Then, 698 = yd + 9.

242 + 698 = 940 = xd + yd + 8 + 9
940 = xd + yd + 17
As xd and yd are divisible by d, the remainder when 940 is divided by d should have been 17.

However, as the question states that the remainder is 4, it would be possible only when Remainders, division leaves a remainder of 4.

If the remainder obtained is 4 when 17 is divided by d, then d has to be 13.

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