
the force acting on moving charge particle in a uniform magnetic field is (a) normal to magnetic field (b) at 45 degree from the magnetic field (c) parallel to the magnetic field

the force acting on moving charge particle in a uniform magnetic field is 
(a) normal to magnetic field
(b) at 45 degree from the magnetic field
(c) parallel to the magnetic field


1 Answers

Jitender Singh IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 158 Points
10 years ago
Hello Student,
Please find answer to your question below

Force acting on a charged moving particle in a magnetic field is given by:
\overrightarrow{F} = q\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{B}
F = Magnetic Force
q = charge on a particle (can be +ve & -ve)
v = velocity of a particle
B = Magnetic field strength
Since F is a cross product of both v & B.
So it is normal to both v & B.
Option c is correct.

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